So. I was feeling discouraged, burnt out, a little query fatigued. I was still irked about the rejection I mentioned the other day, though I know I shouldn't take it so personally. Agents don't owe us any explanations, and I should just be happy to have an answer. (Still. Can't it be a nice-ish answer?) (Okay, let's not get me started.)
I sent out a few queries this afternoon. An agent tweeted about the summer being a slower time for her, so if anyone was thinking about querying her, they should do it. She happened to be on my list, so I sent my query out. A couple hours later, her name showed up in my inbox, and I thought, "Oh, great! The person who proclaimed that she has lots of time to read queries/pages has decided to not even read mine!" But nope ... it was her auto-response. Whew!
Then, an hour or so later, I got an email from an agent I had just queried a couple hours earlier. I've had experience with some super-quick rejections, so I opened the message with some trepidation.
"This sounds so wonderful ..." it began, and my rejection-addled brain finished the sentence for me "... but it's just not right for my list."
But wait. That's not what it said.
Not " ... but I'm not the right agent."
Not " ... but I'm going to pass."
It said, "... and we're very happy to consider."
Honestly, I was a bit too stunned to do anything for a bit. Then I realized.
I just got a request for my full manuscript.
Well ... that's good. (See? I told you I was stunned.)
After I finally got up to speed, I was excited and thrilled. And I AM excited and thrilled. Someone not only liked my idea, but also liked the way I presented it enough to want to invest some time and consider my full manuscript!
So. Happy.
But with an ever-present low hum of anxiety. Sigh.
Once I hit "Send" it's out of my control. I'm just going to be positive and enjoy this ride and give it my very best.
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