Sunday, July 7, 2013

Eat, drink, sleep ... queries!

Agh! It seems that all I'm doing lately, when there is any type of downtime, is either researching agents or querying agents.

If I take a break and, say, watch something on, I feel like I should be querying.

If I'm querying, I feel like I should be doing laundry/cleaning something.

The only thing I don't feel guilty for doing instead of querying is hanging out with my kiddos.

But as soon as they're in bed or occupied by something else: laptop and query sites.


But I'm not ready to give up yet. I really don't want to think about there being a day when I give up. Though I do understand it's a real possibility.

And if that happens, it'll be time to work on my next manuscript ... I'm thinking about stepping into the YA genre. I have a super basic outline ready, but knowing the time and effort that has gone into my current novel, sometimes my stomach ties in knots thinking about what's ahead of me with a new one. The one thing going for me is that I've learned SO much during the last few years, and hopefully that will make the next project a bit easier.

Onward ...

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