Friday, July 5, 2013

Doubled my queries

I was able to double my queries by sending out 12 today! That was exciting. It's nice to take that time to take notes and have a list of query-ready agents along with their submission guidelines on hand. Then, at one time, I can send a bunch out and feel super productive.

With a few of the agents who were C/NR during my last round, I was able to do additional research on the literary agency and ended up finding other agents that may be a better match. I came across three completely new-to-me agents, and a couple that were a bit elusive: no email addresses, no guidelines, no one is really sure how to find them, and their agency's website just shows an error message - even though different agent sites state they actively accept queries. I get leery about there being no info out there, but I guess it's not a requirement for agencies to a have websites, blogs, Twitter accounts, etc. We'll see what happens.

I did get a rejection right before I signed on to write this post from a very popular agent/agency. Form rejection. Sigh.

So that's three rejections so far. And 24 queries still out there ...

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