Saturday, January 2, 2016

Query letters ... sigh

I have such a love/hate relationship with query letters.

I love them because writing one shows me where my story is lacking.

I hate them because writing one shows me where my story is lacking.

And that's where I am right now. I'd learn during my last ms to write out a draft query at the beginning of the writing process to ensure that my outline is on track.

The issue is that my story ended up taking some of its own twists and turns.

I think the most surprising thing for me now as I review choices and conflict and consequences is this: The character I'd assumed is my protagonist is NOT the protagonist.


In fact, not only is she not the protagonist but she barely makes a decision for herself throughout the entire story.

And THAT is a surefire way to annoy every single reader and ensure no one gives a crap about her whatsoever.


The story is told in first person from two points of view. I'd figured she would be the "main" protagonist with the second person having his own decisions to make. Kind of two protagonists with their own stories that overlap, and each influencing the other's decisions.

But that's not really how it turned out. She influences him, and he definitely makes a decision. But any decisions she needed to make end up kind of being made for her. It's weird. And not what I meant to happen.

Not a deal-breaker. I can work with this. It was my first draft, after all. I didn't expect it to be perfect and submission ready right off the bat.


Stephanie Damore said...

And why do we do this to ourselves again? Ah, yes, The Dream. You got this girl!

Sheri said...

Thanks, Steph! I know ... it has to be HOPE and PASSION that keep us coming back to this process! (Maybe a little bit of craziness.) #notgivingup