So, I work with the MSWL website and the Query Tracker website and the agent's agency website. I'll also sometimes check out the agent's Twitter feed. (This sounds stalkerish ... it's not! I promise!)
Last night was frustrating because I found four promising agents on MSWL, only to find later that two weren't open to unsolicited submissions, one wasn't even agenting anymore (I discovered that on her Twitter feed), and one wasn't listed as an agent on the agency's website (???).
Well, even though I was disappointed with the research session, I'm glad I did the research because it would have been embarrassing to query someone who isn't an agent!
On top of that, I got a rejection on my partial request yesterday afternoon. :(
But I've rewritten my query letter and I do have a short list of agents that I'll be querying this morning. I was talking to a co-worker about my ms and I was describing how my story is different from others in the genre (fan meets celebrity), and I realized, "DUH! I should point that out in my query letter!" So dumb.
I've also started my next ms ... I'm actually reworking the three-POV women's fiction I wrote a few years ago (got two full requests and a partial on that one, but no offer - obvs) into a YA. I'm super excited about it!
I'm not quite ready to let my current story go. I love Jamie and Kenzie. I love their relationship, I love Kenzie's awkwardness and goofiness, I love Jamie's valiant effort at celebrity life. I'm not entirely sure if a space exists in the sea of dystopian trilogies and romance series for my humble little contemporary story. The YA books I see touted on agent Twitter feeds are pretty amazing, but surely SOMEONE out there wants to read a lighthearted story about meeting a celebrity crush!